Sunday, September 21, 2008

Richard Wilhelm about the Xian Tian

Quelle: Wilhelm, Richard; "I Ging - Das Buch der Wandlungen", Verlagsgruppe Lübbe GmbH& Co. KG, 2001, Seite 258

English translation:

"...Within the earlier cosmos '
[before the universe/cosmos/planet earth order/arrangement]'* the lowest line respectively determines the biological sex. There are the sons: 1. Zhen, […], 2. Li, […], 3. Dui, […]. They stand in the East half of the arrangement. the daughters are: 1. Xun, […], 2. Kan, […], 3. Gen, […]. they stand in the West. Within the inner cosmos [arrangement/order of the inner world/intramundane** world] only Zhen and Xun have kept their gender/sex***. The arrangement shows the sons to the left of Qian, […] while Kun has both elder daughters right hand and the youngest daughter left hand between herself and Qian."


respectively there doesn´t seem the a real equivalent translation for the German word "vorweltlich". "Welt" means everything what is/exists in it´s allness = the universum, sometimes it´s used for our earth/planet or also an individual way of thinking/phantasie etc.. "Earlier heaven" refers to something what was before the current firmament/god/paradise. The word "vor" can refer to time or to space.
"Vor" can mean "before", "in front of", "prior", "ago", "ahead", "pre-" etc.
The word cosmos has it´s origin in the Grecian. In german it means "Welt-Ordnung", "Schmuck", "Anstand" as opposite to "Chaos".

The German word "innerweltlich" is translated according to the Online dictionary with "Intramundane", respectively "transcendent" .

The German word "Geschlecht" means dynasty, gender, biological sex, species, lineage, generation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good day!
my name is Tom and im completely new to this forum.

I hope that I'll learn and share a lot of interesting things.
