Wednesday, June 13, 2012

EM 2012: Netherlands : Germany (Start 8-45pm, MET/DST)

Here is my predicition for the interesting match between Holland and Germany:

I noticed I didn´t look close enough on where the matchs will take place, thought they will all be in Poland.
Ok, this match takes place in Kharkiv/Ukraine. There it will be already Hai-(pig) and Zi(rat)-hour.
That means its all about water.

I think Germany will definititely win that. I think it´s also very clear, no draw. Maybe Germany will manage a 2:0 or so. 


EM 2012 Denmark : Portugal (STart 6pm, MET/DST)

The prediciton for Denmark vs. Portugal:

To me it looks very clear. I don´t see many chances for Denmark. All support goes to Portugal.
My guess is a 3:0 for Portugal.
