Sunday, April 25, 2010

Greek Financial Crisis

Today (25 April, 2010 / 21:50 DST/Berlin) I did a Wen Wang Gua divination about :
What will be the impact of Greece´s financial problems on Europe/EU?

I got the following hexagram (btw the classical Yijing text of Hex 27 is interesting as well):

Subject = Greece
Object = Europe

Day: Si/Snake
Month: Chen/Dragon

Void: Tiger, Mao
Gua Shen: You/Rooster


................ ___ brothers (Tiger/wood) -->...... _ _ wealth (Dog/earth)
................ _ _ parents (Rat/water) ..............._ _ officer/ghost (Monkey/metal)
Subject.... _ _ wealth (Dog/earth) - ->........... ___ offspring (Horse/fire)
............... _ _ wealth (Dragon/earth) ........... _ _ offspring (Horse/fire)
............... _ _ brothers (Tiger/wood) - -> ..... ___ wealth (Dragon/earth)
Object..... ___ Parents (Zi/water) - -> .......... _ _ brothers (Tiger/wood)

Moving lines: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th line

Lots of movement here, but in any case the EU is actually drained a lot by it. Greece heavily controls the European Union while the EU supports the creditors, but it looks like pretty weak support. (Brothers mirror the creditors of Greece, who actually try to control the country). But the Creditors will finally be supported by Greece.


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