Sunday, September 6, 2009

8-4 or Dirty Dancing with Spencer (25) & Barbara (84)

(Song by Coldplay `The Hardest Part`)

The meaning of the trigrams Gen (8) and Xun (4) used to analyze qi via the Feng Shui Flying star system:

Xun, Trigram 4 (wind, old lady)

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Trigram 8 (mountain, young man)

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The old lady is flying like the wind around the young man. While the young man is quite stable (Yin-Qi / Mountainstar-Qi), the old lady is symbolical representing the mobile qi (Yang-qi / Waterstar-Qi)
Their dresses might cause a little pain in the eyes for some... As 8-4 and 4-8 in Xuang Kong Feng Shui can stand for emotional hurting as the 4 represents wood-qi and the 8 earth-qi (wood controls earth). But it depends also on the strength of the qi (stars).

In this symbolical case/picture of this kind of qi-mixture the young man is much stronger than the old lady, so he can easily hold her. And she can´t do any damage to him. They work like a great team on stage (= fire-bridge).

Have some fun watching the video!


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