Sunday, September 6, 2009

8-4 or Dirty Dancing with Spencer (25) & Barbara (84)

(Song by Coldplay `The Hardest Part`)

The meaning of the trigrams Gen (8) and Xun (4) used to analyze qi via the Feng Shui Flying star system:

Xun, Trigram 4 (wind, old lady)

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Trigram 8 (mountain, young man)

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The old lady is flying like the wind around the young man. While the young man is quite stable (Yin-Qi / Mountainstar-Qi), the old lady is symbolical representing the mobile qi (Yang-qi / Waterstar-Qi)
Their dresses might cause a little pain in the eyes for some... As 8-4 and 4-8 in Xuang Kong Feng Shui can stand for emotional hurting as the 4 represents wood-qi and the 8 earth-qi (wood controls earth). But it depends also on the strength of the qi (stars).

In this symbolical case/picture of this kind of qi-mixture the young man is much stronger than the old lady, so he can easily hold her. And she can´t do any damage to him. They work like a great team on stage (= fire-bridge).

Have some fun watching the video!


Li - Trigram (Fire) - Armoury, Semper Galery in Dresden

The Trigram Li

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stands for fire, fast horses, armours, helms, lances, weapons and generally for things which are soft within and hard outside (shells, snails etc.), it´s the sticking one, the shiny one (decoration).
It´s a perfect description of old warriors, sitting on their horses, throwing with fireballs or carrying lances to attack each other.
The hard armour covers the (soft) body. This is meant by soft inside, hard outside.