Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Feng Shui Rap
Gnarls Barkley:
"Feng Shui"
In this house the decor is obvious up scour.
See clearly the theory of less is more.
A plant a pet and books on the shelf.
And a frame on the wall where you can,
Picture yourself,
And you're welcome to stay.
But even your company must complement.
The Feng Shui.
Even down to what I have on.
They do wonder to what.
Extent I have gone.
Tailored and tapered cortue to the curb.
Demanding the attention.
that it does deserve.
Fabrics for the forecast of the day
I admit it
Everything is fitted to fall in Feng Shui.
More importantly the way that I move.
If I'm in your town, my needles down,
on the groove.
On site they know my song.
It ain't slow and it sho ain't long.
You see I do not play.
Forgive me father, I was forced,
Out of Feng Shui.
A flow as subtle as a summer breeze.
Like the whispering winds and
The talking trees.
To big to be boxed in, it bobs and it weaves.
It evolves, it solves, it gives it recieves.
And everything I say is
calculated appropiatly
Written and arranged in Feng Shui!
And here´s the video:
and the live performance:
His famous song "Crazy" might be better known.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Feng Shui im Strandkorb
Feng Shui im Strandkorb
Der Strandkorb bietet perfektes Feng Shui Design hinsichtlich seiner Formen - zumindest für deutsches Klima im Monat September.
Der Strandbesucher sitzt geschützt zur linken (= Drachen-Seite), sowie zur rechten Körperseite (Tiger-Seite) und zum Rücken hin (= "Sitting"/"Schildkröte") mit freier Sicht nach vorn zum Licht bzw. zur Sonne (= "Facing"/Phoenix).
Das Yang qi (kalter Wind) kann nicht in den empfindlichen menschlichen Nacken eindringen und gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
8-4 or Dirty Dancing with Spencer (25) & Barbara (84)
The meaning of the trigrams Gen (8) and Xun (4) used to analyze qi via the Feng Shui Flying star system:
Xun, Trigram 4 (wind, old lady)
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Trigram 8 (mountain, young man)
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The old lady is flying like the wind around the young man. While the young man is quite stable (Yin-Qi / Mountainstar-Qi), the old lady is symbolical representing the mobile qi (Yang-qi / Waterstar-Qi)
Their dresses might cause a little pain in the eyes for some... As 8-4 and 4-8 in Xuang Kong Feng Shui can stand for emotional hurting as the 4 represents wood-qi and the 8 earth-qi (wood controls earth). But it depends also on the strength of the qi (stars).
In this symbolical case/picture of this kind of qi-mixture the young man is much stronger than the old lady, so he can easily hold her. And she can´t do any damage to him. They work like a great team on stage (= fire-bridge).
Have some fun watching the video!
Li - Trigram (Fire) - Armoury, Semper Galery in Dresden
The Trigram Li
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stands for fire, fast horses, armours, helms, lances, weapons and generally for things which are soft within and hard outside (shells, snails etc.), it´s the sticking one, the shiny one (decoration).
It´s a perfect description of old warriors, sitting on their horses, throwing with fireballs or carrying lances to attack each other.
The hard armour covers the (soft) body. This is meant by soft inside, hard outside.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Divination - buy it or don´t buy it...
But in the following days I couldn´t stop thinking about this wonderful evening dress and fit it for the first time on Monday 15th. I told the shop assistant I will come back to let have a friends look on the next day at it as well before making a decision.
Additionally I did a Divination using Plum Blossom Method on Monday 15th June. And I got hexagram 57 with the 5th line moving:
"Find fortune in persevering. it is advantageous to forget about remorseful events. Although the beginning is not favourable, the endin gis. Before taking action, ponder for three days, Upon taking action, watch the result for three days. Carefully think through your decision before putting it into action. While the outcome may bring difficulties in the beginning, you have not made a mistake. Monitor the progress of your decision." ("The Complete Idiots´Guide to the I Ching", by Elisabeth Moran and Joseph Yu, 2002, page 200")
The story goes on that my friend had no time on Tuesday, so I went to the shop for a second time and fit the dress, sending a picture via mobile/cell to my friend. but did not buy it this day. So on the next day my friend came with me to watch the dress. After long pondering I bought it finally now on Wednesday evening (17th June), after stressing the poor shop assistant for three days. :-) So far no regret, I even found now already the right shoes...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Programming of the extracelluar matrix of cells and human beings
Not long ago I read an article about the Mosuo – a matriarchical society in China.
Men don´t have much or any power positions, marriages do not exist , romance seems to be most important. The families are led by females. Men do live with their mothers.
The Mosuo are an interesting example of the relativity of what is “good” and “bad” according to Chinese Astrology and Astrology in general and if a persons character fits into the environment or how a character plays out at all within the “given” society.
When something is appreciated by the environment then usually there is well being while the “wrong” environment might cause stress which creates suffering and sickness.,1518,627363,00.html
BWT Maybe we can compare a human being with a cell – both have to communicate with their environment for making a living. For a human the environment is the family/society etc. – for a cell it´s the extracellular matrix.
Actually researchers experiment with cells, observing their behaviour within different artificial extracellular matrixes. The result so far is that cells definitely communicate with their environment and more - the environment can let them die or let them grow and flourish. The extracellular environment can obviously change the genetical program of the cell.
In some experiments the researcher could change the “job” of a cell (tissue cell/fibroblast) slightly, while changing the environment only a little bit. So maybe if the change of the environment is completely against the basic function of the cell - the change of the programming fails and the cell dies.
This research group also got interesting results of testing reaction of human skin cells within different levels of stress (frequencies).
So Feng Shui could also be considered as changing the "extracellular matrix" of a human being, a change of the environment with the result of reprogramming the behaviour of a human being.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Feng Shui 3 (Western Sciences versus Chinese Metaphysics) - Effects of Water and Mountain
Maybe according to “as in macrocosmos so in microcosmos” we can consider the „dragon“ to be connected/synonymous with the heartbeat/rhythm. Heart is in the – according to TCM - “heavenly” part (= above the navel) of the human body – like a mountain – the source of where the river start flowing towards gravity. Usually the blood vessels have their way hugging the organs while taking a meandering path.
Heartbeat is about the “flow” of water/blood, it´s about the speed, amount of qi flow. It pumps the blood together with fresh oxygen (wind) - one part goes up to the head (heaven/6) and the main part flows down following the way of gravitation. This is everywhere the same in the world, no matter if in Northern hemisphere or Southern hemisphere. Up and down, up and down.... Like the water circulation within nature.
“Mountain” strengthens” health in the way that in the mountains the body has more stress to get/transport enough oxygen to the organs. More erythrocytes are produced when a human being moves within the mountains, the heart has to do more work and becomes stronger also because of lesser air pressure.
As oxygen is heavy, so in flat areas there is more oxygen than in the mountains. And when a “trained” human being with more erythrocytes has to do muscle work in the flat area it becomes more productive. That´s why movement within mountains means “slow down”, but getting stronger health. Trained muscles become more powerful when being “used” in a flat areas/water areas.