Saturday, October 1, 2011
Die Definition vom Alter
Eckart von Hirschhausen
Friday, September 30, 2011
Love is not a Game
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Amy Winehouse Horoskop
Amy Winehouse:
(geb. 14 September 1983 in London - Uhrzeit leider unbekannt)
Das chinesische Horoskop sieht folgendermaßen aus:
xxx___Yin Holz__Yin Metall____Yin Wasser
Dekade bis September 2011: Yin-Wasser Schwein
Dekade ab September 2011: Yang-Holz Ratte
Das Horoskop zeigt, dass sie seit einigen Jahren einen starken Konflikt austrägt. Dies zeigt sich am "Zusammenstoß" der Elemente Wasser und Feuer, repräsentiert von der Schlange und dem Schwein (Dekade). Hinzu kommt der konstante Konflikt zwischen dem Yin-Metall element aus dem Monat und dem Tagesstamm Yin-Holz.
Der große Konflikt zwischen der Schlange und dem Schwein geht allerdings in den kommenden 2-3 Monaten zu Ende.
Wünschen wir ihr, dass sie es noch so lange aushält! Danach sollte ihr Leben um einiges besser werden!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
New Feng Shui Museum in Taizhou/China
Here you can follow a virtual guidance through all the rooms:
Friday, April 1, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What do I really want? / Was möchte ich wirklich?
Have you ever had the problem the issue that you didn´t know what you really want from life - from the bottom of your heart?
Well, just imagine you still would have only 3 months to live! What would you do then within those 3 months?
I´ve been in the situation that I was quite near to death 2 years ago. I imagined then somebody would tell me that I still have only 3 months ahead. So what to do with that time? How can I use it the best way?
I found it interesting that it was only one really important wish that popped into my mind. Few weeks later I went for it and something most fascinating happened…
Try that yourself, maybe it works for you too!
Best of luck!
Hast du jemals das Problem gehabt, dass du nicht wusstest, was dein Herz tief drin wirklich vom Leben will?
Dann stell dir doch ganz einfach vor, du hättest maximal nur noch drei Monate zu leben! Was würdest du dann mit diesen drei Monaten anfangen?
Ich selbst war vor 2 Jahren in der Situation, dass der Tod recht nahe war. Ich stellte mir vor dann vor, jemand würde mir mitteilen, ich hätte nur noch drei Monate vor mir. So, was mache ich jetzt mit dieser verbleibenden Zeit? Wie kann ich sie am besten nutzen?
Komischerweise stellte ich nur noch einen einzigen wirklich wichtigen Wunsch in mir fest. Ein paar Wochen später ging ich diesem Wunsch nach und etwas extrem Faszinierendes passierte...
Versuch es selbst, vielleicht funktioniert das ja auch für dich!
Viel Glück!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Recognition within the Feng Shui Business
According to my observations over the years a lot of people working in the Feng Shui „industry“ suffer from feeling a lack of recognition, not only within the Western world. There are a plenty of people out there, questioning the theories and the effects of Feng Shui methods.
And as there seems to be not much recognition coming from “outsiders”, but much more depreciation - the trouble with the lack of recognition is remaining inside of the community. It´s just that the fights among the masters and their students - who is better, which methods create the best results, who owns the “top” secrets, which school has the longest history etc. - haven´t caused any noticeable improvement on the quality of service offered so far. Especially in the Western world there still seems to be a significant imbalance between the amount of existing consultants and clients who want to have a consultation. But why is that? Usually when there is a useful product it starts selling itself.
Some consultants claim that the clients are just too stupid or want to have things which cannot be served. But is it really the stupid client who doesn´t know what is good for him? Or does the client just feel that the offered Feng Shui consultation can´t provide what is needed?
Usually in normal Western business when a product isn´t sold, one has to search for the reasons why nobody wants to have it. The normal reasons of lack of business can be found i.e. in the price compared to the benefit/quality of the product, the product is simply not something what is considered a priority need or the consultant appears not trustworthy enough or too unfriendly, the product offered doesn´t match the target group of the advertisment and many more.
So, who is losing when claiming that the clients are just too stupid to go for Feng Shui or astrological consultations?