Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wer bin ich? Und wie viele? - Das Leben auf dem Menschen

Vor kurzem fand ich folgendes spannende Buch von Jörg Blech:

Wussten Sie schon, dass auf jede menschliche Zelle ganze 10 Bakterien kommen? Mit anderen Worten: ein Mensch besteht aus ca. 10% menschlichen Zellen und zu ca. 90% aus anderen winzigen Lebewesen!
Igitt oder faszinierend?

In jedem Fall ist der Mensch also eine Art Ökosystem. Dicht besiedelt leben auf seiner Haut und auch im Körper (z.B. im Magen, Darm, Mund etc.) irre viele kleine Lebewesen. "Irre viele" heißt, dass auf zwei Quadratmeter Haut so viele Mikroben wie Menschen auf dem Planeten Erde leben. Da soll noch ein Anti-Esoterischer behaupten, der Mensch sei nicht von "Spirits" umgeben! ;-)
(Mikrokosmos = Makrokosmos ;-))

Stichwort für die wissenschaftliche Forschung ist das "Mikrobiom" bzw. das "Human Microbiome Project" (seit 2007).

Liest man Jörg Blech´s Buch kommt man unweigerlich zu dem Schluß, dass diese kleinen Wesen wohl einen riesigen Einfluss auf unser aller Leben nehmen. Vor allem stehen wir wirklich erst am Anfang der Forschung. Trotzdem ist schon jetzt klar, dass wir ohne dieses komplexe System der für das menschliche Auge unsichtbaren Bewohner kaum überleben könnten. Sie regeln das Immunsystem, unsere Verdauung, vernichten Eindringlinge, fressen Make-up Reste und vieles mehr.

Ein weiterer interessanter Punkt i.o. genannten Buch ist das Thema Gerüche und Gerüche. Der so markante menschliche Geruch entsteht durch die Stoffwechselprodukte, die die kleinen Geister in und auf unserem Körper produzieren.

Auch spannend ist, dass scheinbar auch Gewichtsprobleme durch eine Überzahl an bestimmten Bakterien im Darm zustande kommen kann, die die Verdauung bestimmt Stoffe erschweren. Andererseits verändert scheinbar auch die Art der Ernährung die Zusammensetzung der Bewohner des Darms. Tatsächlich gibt es sicher eine Wechselwirkung.

Ganz genauso wie in einem Ökosystem - wird etwas geändert, findet eine Kettenreaktion statt, um die Veränderung auszubalancieren.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

EM 2012 (Final) Spain : Italy (8:45pm, CET/DST, Kyiv/UKR)

Last but not least here is my prediciton fo the final match:

At the beginning Spain will control Italy, but Italy will get stronger during the match.
I guess it depends on how well Spain can use their strength at the beginning.
Towards the end there is more support for Italy. So when Spain can´t score at the beginning, then Italy looks as the winner. But if Spain should be able to score early, then the final result will be more equal.
We will see....
Happy watching!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

EM 2012 (Semi-Final): Germany:Italy (8:45pm, CET/DST), in Warsaw/Poland

Wow, here is my predicition with 5 moving/red lines:

It´s the first time during the championship that I got 5 moving lines. It really looks like a dynamic and exciting battlefield...They look pretty equal as both have the earth element. I only see a tiny little more support for Germany. Now I´m curious and of course wishing good luck to Germany!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

EM 2012 (Semi-Final): Portugal:Spain (8:45pm CET/DST, match in Donetsk/UKR)

Here is my prediction for the first semi-final:

Spain looks stronger to me than Portugal. Spain looks as if the will have a lot of chances/attempts on the goal (more than Portugal), but won´t get the ball in so easily while doing mistakes. I see Spain as the winner, maybe it will end with a 2:1 for Spain.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

EM 2012 Quarterfinal: England:Italy (8:45pm, CET/DST in Kiev/Ukraine)

My guess for today is:

I can´t see that one of them is clearly supported today, maybe both will make a lot of mistakes.
England seems to be more in control at the beginning, but looks as if Italy has a good defence.
To me they look equally strong. We´ll see...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

EM 2012 Quarter-final: Spain:France (8:45pm, CET/DST)

Here is my prediciton for the match between Spain and France which will take place in Doentsk/Ukrain where it starts around 22:45 (2 hours ahead from Berlin time):

At the beginning Spain will be in control over France. I can´t say for how long that will be the case.
But I predict that France will play better later on, and then both teams will be equally strong.
All in all it looks that Spain will have support throughout the game compared to the disadvantage of France in the beginning.
So my guess is that Spain will win this match. But France will be able to score also. So it could end with a 2:1 or 3:2 for Spain.

Friday, June 22, 2012

EM 2012 Quarterfinal: Germany:Greece (8:45pm, CET/DST, Gdansk - Poland)

Here is my prediction for the interesting match Germany vs. Greece:

Well, the first half of the match is supportive for Germany, the second is supportive for Greece.
Germany will be more easily in control during the first half, while Greece will be more difficult to control after the break. But imo Germany will be the winner, my guess is a 2:1 for Germany.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

EM 2012 / Quarterfinal: Czech Republic : Portugal (8:45pm, CET/DST in Warsaw/Poland)

Here is my prediction:

It looks as if the Czech Republic will be better at the beginning, there is a change that can make Portugal also stronger during the first half of the match. In the second half of the match neither Czech or Portugal will have much support.
All in all it´s pretty equal. For Czech I see a little more advantage although Portugal might be considered as the favourit. Maybe we will see spot kicks at the end...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

EM 2012: England-Ukraine (8:45pm, CET/DST in Donetsk/UKR)

Here is the second one:

Ukraine will win that one and I think it will be very clear. Maybe a 2:0 for Ukraine. I don´t see a chance for England.

EM 2012: Sweden:France (8:45pm, CET/DST)

Here is my prediction for today:

Wow, that is equal. The only difference is the different moving lines. But I think it is a draw.
It´s a very interesting hexagram. I´m curious.
We´ll see what will happen.

Monday, June 18, 2012

EM 2012: Italy : Ireland (8:45pm, CET/DST)

Here it is:

Ireland loks stronger in the first half while controling Italy. Italy has much better support in the second half of the match. It might be a nice battlefield today. No clear winner visible to me...

EM 2012: Croatia:Spain (8:45pm, CET/DST)

So yesterday I did a typo and the typo turned out to be the correct result - weird.

Ok, today I´ll try again without a typo and here is the result:

What I see is that Croatia drains Spain a lot.
Spain attempts to control/attack but it won´t turn out so easily to their own favour, especially in the first half of the match. I think the second might be better for them, but still the flow goes to Croatia.
I think it could end with a draw.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Typo... Portugal : Netherlands

Sorry, had some typo from my handwritten hexagram correct is:   Gen on Kan (no moving line)

Then Netherlands will be the pretty clear winner as they have much better support.

EM 2012: Portugal-Netherlands (8:45pm, CET/DST)

 I think Portugal will win that, they have better support. Netherlands might be able to score but I doubt it is enough to beat Portugal.
My guess is a 2:1 for Portugal.

EM 2012: Denmark : Germany (8:45pm, CET/DST)

Here is my prediction

I think Denmark will be pretty good, they can drain Germany. Germany might not have their best match today. Not sure if Germany will make it today.